MRD Projects: Mid-term Review

Poster session at mid-term review

In 2015, nine Medical Research and Development (MRD) projects were launched. MRD Projects are large, interdisciplinary projects concerning medically, and ideally clinically, based research and have a duration of three years.

They can focus either on the in-depth analysis of a particular disease using a systems approach, quantitative and integrated approaches to medical problems, or the development and implementation of novel technologies with the potential to enhance the treatment or diagnosis of a disease.

All MRD Projects must contain quantitative elements and show an interdisciplinary character by linking research groups from traditionally separate disciplines. 

Poster session at mid-term review

In January, the mid-term review took place in Zurich, where the MRD project leaders presented the progress of their projects to an SNSF expert review panel. In addition to these presentations, they also had the opportunity to show interim results and further aspects of their studies in a subsequent poster session, where discussions between project leaders and experts took place.

The experts had the task of assessing the projects according to the individual MRD proposals and intended objectives and, where necessary, giving recommendations so that each project is able to progress in the right direction. Of particular importance to the experts were both a systems biology approach as well as a substantial proportion of modeling.

In the first phase of many of the projects, a lot of data has been collected. Now comes the more difficult, but much more exciting part – the proper analysis and interpretation of the collected data.

Find here more information about the MRD Projects »

Poster session at mid-term review


Department program of SNF