Preannouncement: 11th call

In mid-December 2014, will launch its 11th Call for proposals. This will be the last call for PhD and postdoc projects. Young scientists and research group leaders are invited to submit proposals for Transition Postdoc Fellowships (TPdF) and Interdisciplinary PhD Projects (IPhD), respectively.

Transition Postdoc Fellowships (TPdF) are designed to expand young scientists’ basic knowledge in systems biology. Having completed their doctorates, emerging researchers switch to a new area or discipline in order to implement innovative ideas at the interface be-tween classically separate fields. will fund the TPdF’s salary for two years with up to CHF 20’000 for consumables.

Interdisciplinary PhD Projects (IPhD) serve the purpose of training and encouraging future systems biologists. The main focus of these PhD positions is on collaboration between two different disciplines relevant to systems biology. The young scientists will be overseen by two supervisors working in different fields. will fund the PhD student’s salary for three years (on the SNSF level) with up to CHF 10’000 per year for consumables and a one-time contribution of CHF 2’000 to cover the costs of participating in an international conference.

The 11th Call will be launched in mid-December. The deadline for all proposals will be April 30, 2015. Successful projects can be expected to start late summer 2015.



Department program of SNF