Microelectronics and Genetics to Study Retinal Neuronal Circuit Dynamics

The mammalian retina represent a unique opportunity to study the dynamic computations performed by the brain and it has a 2D layered structure that is ideal to be analyzed by MEA technology. The mammalian retina contains complex circuits extracting specific features from visual input (decrease or increase in light intensity, color, moving objects).

Microelectrode arrays integrated with dedicated electronics provide the possibility to access dynamics of cell populations by simultaneously measuring activity of many cells in a network. In particular, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) based MEAs feature high spatio-temporal resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio.

The main goal of the project is to develop a new strategy to record light pattern evoked activity from genetically identified retinal circuits in a high-throughput manner. 

Schlagworte: Microelectrode Arrays, CMOS, Retina



 Michele  Fiscella

Michele Fiscella
ETH Zurich, D-BSSE
Bio Engineering Laboratory
Mattenstrasse 26
CH - 4058 Basel

Tel.: +41 61 387 32 08