
01.10.2013 à 04.10.2013

Course Markov processes - Lausanne

Markov models play an important role in biological modeling. They are involved in many areas of biology including gene and motif predictions to phylogenetics and macroevolution. The goal of this course is to give a broad theoretical overview of these models and the biological processes that can be studied with them.
Organizer: Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)
Venue: University of Lausanne
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02.10.2013 à 05.10.2013 Retreat 2013 - Engelberg

Multidisciplinary collaboration is the topic of this year’s retreat. The educational event takes place October 2-5, 2013 in Engelberg and provides a nurturing frame for socializing, scientific exchange, networking, and practical training. More information and registration »

03.10.2013 à 12.11.2013

SIB celebrates its 15th anniversary - Conference in Zurich

To celebrate its 15th anniversary, the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) is organizing a series of conferences: The next conference will take place October 3 in Zurich, followed by conferences in Geneva (October 29) and Basel (November 12).

More information and program

26.11.2013 à 28.11.2013

Physics of Biology 2013 international meeting - Geneva

The meeting will include plenary lectures by outstanding innovative researchers in Quantitative and System Biology. 

Applicants will be offered (after selection from abstract submissions) to present their work in a talk or a poster.

More information and registration »


Department program of SNF