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Newsletter  |  July 7, 2015

ERASysAPP: Results of 2nd joint transnational call for proposals

In response to the second call for proposals of the ERA-NET for Applied Systems Biology, ERASysAPP, international research consortia submitted ten project proposals. After evaluation, and based on the available funding of EUR 8.4 million, the involved funding agencies selected five projects to be financed. Two research teams from Switzerland will contribute to these projects, with Swiss consortium member, Manfred Claassen (ETH Zurich), acting as project coordinator for one of them.
More information about the projects involving Swiss research groups»

Make your research visible!

As part of the SystemsX.ch Scientific Report 2014-2015, researchers in SystemsX.ch projects are required to supply a list of their scientific publications. On this occasion, we ask you to fill in the ZORA submission form in order to provide open and worldwide access to your scientific publications.
Submitting your publication will not take more than five minutes, but will ensure that your research is visible and generates maximum benefit for the scientific community. For further information about ZORA, please contact Fabienne Forster.

All SystemsX.ch Day – Keynote by Steven Altschuler

The All SystemsX.ch Day will take place on September 15, 2015 at the Stufenbau in Bern. Guest speaker Steven Altschuler from the University of California San Francisco will present a keynote lecture. There will also be talks, poster sessions and an informal open-air barbecue dinner, so participants will have ample time for socializing, networking and getting to know the SystemsX.ch projects and researchers better.
More information on the program, registration and abstract submission»